
V Colóquio da Geopolítica Energética : Cerimônia de Abertura / Opening L...



Opening Lecture of the V Colloquium of Energy Geopolitics of the NEEGI/UNILA with Mr. Alexander Kormishin (BRICS Youth Energy Agency). Since 2015, Alexander Kormishin has served as a founding Chairperson at the BRICS Youth Energy Agency. In 2015-2017, Alexander led the coordination team for increasing capacity of the BRICS youth energy cooperation. Alexander graduated with honors from the Institute for International Politics and Diplomacy at MGIMO-University and received a Master of Science Degree at MGIMO-University and the University of Leipzig in International Energy Economics and Business Administration. Alexander is a recognized young expert on the topics of the just energy transition, international energy cooperation, research and skills development, youth engagement in the energy sector across the BRICS countries. He has supervised major international youth-led initiatives, including at COP26 in Glasgow, UK and COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, and developed projects with key major international energy organizations, including the World Energy Council, the Clean Energy Ministerial, IRENA, SEforAll and others. Alexander represents the Agency at the Youth Energy Transition Commission and operates the global initiatives like the BRICS Youth Energy Summit and the BRICS Youth Energy Outlook.


Inscrições: https://doity.com.br/olage-v-coloquio#registration